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A transitional period will not only adversely affect an adolescent, the transition period could also provide benefits to youth that is a longer time to develop a variety of skills and prepare for the future. A teenager who was well aware of the importance of this stage will be more careful in taking a decision, with an eye on the attitude aSSkan making it as someone who has a sense of independence. Independence in determining the course of his life, deciding which one is best for his future soon. Various factors can also control the level of this good factor that comes from within and outside the individual adolescent, so in this paper will discuss how the characteristics of youth, especially high school students in the stage of development, factors that play a big hand in this stage, and how how to support the development stage.
1.2 Problem


How do the characteristics of high school students?
How is the development characteristics of high school students?
What are the factors that influence the development of high school students?
How can I support the development of the characteristics of high school students?
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